Inner Divine Feminine and Shan Levall

A few days ago I spent the afternoon walking up and down a beach with my little digital camera asking strangers “What do you think of Stephan Harper and the current political system?”

One woman was walking my way and I almost walked right by her but she looked so happy. And she was wearing such a nice hat. Even her dog looked happy. I was drawn to her, so I whole heartedly followed whatever it was inside of me that was making me feel like that.

“I was supposed to meet you!” she said when I approached her with the same question, “I’ve been wanting to make a film about this for so long!”

We made arrangements to meet up at a coffee shop. The hipster coffee shop, I had been told, the one that I had immediately chosen when I arrived in the city. Of course.

Her name is Shan Levall. She ran last year in the federal elections, and is currently working as a family mentor. She glows with excitement and love of life. It felt like we had known each other for ages. We chatted for hours, and could have stayed longer too.

I want to tell you about some of the things Shan believes in, like the inner divine feminine in all of us, and how she believes that we humans need to work on the “fine tuning of gaze”, that we need to cultivate “well tuned, rested, and supported people”, “healthy, creative people”, that we need to work on “emotional intelligence”. These are all things that made my heart flutter! Things that I have thought about before, as many of you have, but could never put into words.

Collective consciousness is most definitely alive and well.

I want to tell you about them, but I can’t do them justice like she would. Keep following the blog because hopefully in the near future she’ll write  a post about all these amazing things. Until then, I hope those few snippets of ideas she shared with me tantalize your interest in human connection. Fine tuning of gaze. Try it out.

Last year, in November, I got to go to Mexico with my mom to go to Casa K’in for a journey with some amazing people. “Finding Your Inner Divine Feminine”. This trip changed my life. Masculine and feminine energy have been so mixed up, and I gratefully understand that the way that I do because of this trip. I think that Shan is connecting to the same thoughts too.

Your inner divine feminine is unconditional love, and it is feeling life as fully as you can feel it. Your inner divine feminine is a gentle warrior that fights against everything you know is wrong, but only because it’s not being taken care of. It’s a lack of words, and a surplus of loving intuition. It’s a goddess.

And yes, you have an inner divine feminine warrior goddess inside of you too, dudes! For real.

I think that as more people connect to this sense of self the more we’ll see growth in human kind. Things will settle out into exactly how they’re supposed to be. It’s not anger towards Stephen that will change his actions, it’s unconditional love.

Try to hold back the vomit in your mouth as you read that.

Open your eyes and see what there is to see, then find a way to love everything around you. If that means you have to change your surroundings then do that. If that means you want to make a giant poster that says Stephen Harper is a facsit, earth rapping, meat head and walk around in your local downtown core with it then do that… but do it with the help of your inner divine feminine.

Capitalist Cookie Cutters

Kids should be taught more than how to make money in school. They should learn how to live without making money in school. They should learn how to thrive without money.

I’m reading an astrology book, learning about the fourth dimension and all I can think about is why do teachers not have the opportunity to teach this stuff in school? If only they had told me that math can literally apply to everything!  That it would be useful for imagining the 4th dimension, or for understanding fractals – the building blocks of life! If someone had said to me “Mathematics is also the language of the universe,” I would have been much more interested as an angry pubescent teenager. What does that mean? The language of the universe!? How intriguing.

“You mean there’s more to life than my new acne issues and my inability to control my emotions!?! TEACH ME MORE MATH!” I would have said. Maybe.

Continue reading “Capitalist Cookie Cutters”

Update on the Campaign

I’ve had some time to settle into friend’s and acquaintance’s questions, concerns, advice, support and disagreements. I have had so many wonderful conversations with people about what’s going on in our country. These conversations have been full of questions, creativity, and a lot of critical thinking.

I know that what I’m doing is technically unrealistic… but that’s the point. I’m not overly pleased with reality, so I might as well think of other things we could be doing!

Here are some of the comments that have really stuck with me:

  • Change is inevitable.
  • Change comes slowly, and from within.
  • People are already working to create change, why does this project need to exist?
  • You can’t make everyone happy.
  • “Becca, you can’t just ‘run for Prime Minister'”

I know these things are true. And yet something in my determined, stubbornly naive, passionate, hopeaholic heart tells me to go anyway. This is my own personal inner change. I’d just like to share it with you all, and maybe, possibly, inspire one or two people along the way.

According to the system in place now you need to have a party, win your riding, and have the overall most successful party in Canada. Read about it here! Some memorable statements from the author (J.J. McCullough) on that site are: “virtually no laws are passed in Canada unless the PM has had at least some hand in creating them” and “Though the cabinet as a collective is constitutionally required to make certain decisions, in practice it’s the PM who decides ‘what cabinet has decided.'”  Or you can read about it here which says the “Prime Minister selects the Cabinet ministers and is responsible for the operations and policy of the government.” Solely? I had a hard time finding who wrote that one. Interesting. Anyways, the point is that I’m not doing that. I’m not running within this messed up system.

So then do I want to be Prime Minister? No, of course I don’t want to be that person. I do not want to be the next fascist leader of Canada. I thought the PM was supposed to be help us make decisions, that’s what they teach you in school. But, it seems he makes all the decisions himself.

My idea is basically this… it’s like the Dove soap commercials. You know? I’d like to stop with mass media pollution of the ideal Canadian, and what Canadian’s want, and just actually ask people. I want to see and show the reality of what we want and who we are.

I’ll be sad if I find out that the majority of Canadian’s are happy the way things are, because let’s face it, things are pretty shitty. Canada is in wars, we’re in debt, we’re ruining the environment, the government  is stopping arts funding, burning books, and forcing an end to scientific research. Forcing an end to the quest for more knowledge. These things are so blatantly, obviously problematic. Yet many people cannot see the long-term trouble with what is going on. A good friend of mine gave me this piece of advice, to do everything with the next 7 generations in mind. Stevie must have missed that piece of advice. When was the last time you heard someone say, “Man, that Stephan guy. Great dude. Really doing great work for our country,” maybe never? But no one really opposes what’s going on either.

So, I’m running for Prime Minister. I’m not sure what else to call it. If you have any other ideas of how to describe what I’m doing, please let me know. I want to make a statement so that you’ll ask me why I’m doing what I’m doing. So that we can have a conversation. So that I can ask you if what we’re doing now is the best we could possibly be doing as democratic citizens. We live in a country with 35.16 million people, wherein one very strange man named Stephan “is responsible for the operations and policy of the government” (refer to above sources).

I think we’re all looking for something new. We just can’t put our finger on what, or how to get there.

I’m so excited to head out on my adventure! I hope you’re excited to follow along too.


I’d like to share more blogs on my blog. So, here’s one I’d like to show you: Their mandate is “to inform the public of the history and the stories of First Nations people; to help the public make the connection between the impact of Residential schools and the present state of the First Nations community.”

It’s amazing when you take the time to seek out people in your community that are actively, peacefully working towards change.

A Few Thoughts

I’ve been thinking about mopping.

Let me describe to you what mopping is.

Mopping is when you look at the earth, and you think “My weak human feet can’t make it across this hard and rocky, or grassy, or snowy, or sandy surface! And it’s cold too. The earth is cold on my little toes. I’ll have to put some kind of smooth surface on top.”

That’s the floor.

Then what you do is you take a big stick of metal, or wood, and you attach a bunch of really thick and really heavy strings to the end. Then you spray some chemicals onto the floor. These are potentially environmentally NOT friendly chemicals. Potentially. You do this in a partially enclosed building: your home. You then proceed to rub the really thick and really heavy strings into the chemicals. You do this because the earth has, somehow(!), gotten into your home and onto your floor(!).

That’s what mopping is.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just not put the floor down in the first place? Eventually your feet will get used to the roughness and the cold. That’s why shoes were made. Plus, you can totally make a wicked cool, and yet toasty warm enclosure on top of a piece of earth sans floor.

We are bizarre creatures. We wholeheartedly love our own floors though. That’s something we’ve got going for us.

On another note, I have an idea about how to stop all the stuff you don’t like about the world.

Step 1: think of something you don’t like.

Step 2: think of a way to change it.

Step 3: follow through.

ex. I think it’s shitty that people don’t eat organic food. Then I should build a garden for them. They probably can’t afford to pay $5.00 for eggs

ex. I think that the streets are boring, and ugly and grey. Then I should paint them! Tons of amazing humans get away with it all the time. It’s bad ass. If they can do it, I can do it too!

ex. I don’t like violence. I will go give someone a hug, or look a stranger in the eye. It will feel so nice to stop staring at feet!

ex. I don’t like floors. Then I won’t buy a house? Or build I’ll build my own cool enclosure sans floor(!). (Maybe get a tent… just in case you can’t build a very good enclosure on your own just yet.)

It seems as soon as you realize you can change one thing, you realize you can change another.

And things tend to spiral.

Good luck moving out of your houses my university friends! Don’t strain your already slightly-hunched-from-homework backs whilst mopping your floors for your landlords. Your lords of the pieces of earth we shelter ourselves thusly upon.

On this thought, I bid you adieu lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses and rent payers all the same.