A Few Thoughts

I’ve been thinking about mopping.

Let me describe to you what mopping is.

Mopping is when you look at the earth, and you think “My weak human feet can’t make it across this hard and rocky, or grassy, or snowy, or sandy surface! And it’s cold too. The earth is cold on my little toes. I’ll have to put some kind of smooth surface on top.”

That’s the floor.

Then what you do is you take a big stick of metal, or wood, and you attach a bunch of really thick and really heavy strings to the end. Then you spray some chemicals onto the floor. These are potentially environmentally NOT friendly chemicals. Potentially. You do this in a partially enclosed building: your home. You then proceed to rub the really thick and really heavy strings into the chemicals. You do this because the earth has, somehow(!), gotten into your home and onto your floor(!).

That’s what mopping is.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just not put the floor down in the first place? Eventually your feet will get used to the roughness and the cold. That’s why shoes were made. Plus, you can totally make a wicked cool, and yet toasty warm enclosure on top of a piece of earth sans floor.

We are bizarre creatures. We wholeheartedly love our own floors though. That’s something we’ve got going for us.

On another note, I have an idea about how to stop all the stuff you don’t like about the world.

Step 1: think of something you don’t like.

Step 2: think of a way to change it.

Step 3: follow through.

ex. I think it’s shitty that people don’t eat organic food. Then I should build a garden for them. They probably can’t afford to pay $5.00 for eggs

ex. I think that the streets are boring, and ugly and grey. Then I should paint them! Tons of amazing humans get away with it all the time. It’s bad ass. If they can do it, I can do it too!

ex. I don’t like violence. I will go give someone a hug, or look a stranger in the eye. It will feel so nice to stop staring at feet!

ex. I don’t like floors. Then I won’t buy a house? Or build I’ll build my own cool enclosure sans floor(!). (Maybe get a tent… just in case you can’t build a very good enclosure on your own just yet.)

It seems as soon as you realize you can change one thing, you realize you can change another.

And things tend to spiral.

Good luck moving out of your houses my university friends! Don’t strain your already slightly-hunched-from-homework backs whilst mopping your floors for your landlords. Your lords of the pieces of earth we shelter ourselves thusly upon.

On this thought, I bid you adieu lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses and rent payers all the same.

I Have a Question for You All

Hello out there! I know I’m still new to this whole blogging thing, so maybe this will be a strange thing to attempt, but I’d like to pose a question to you. 

My question to you is how do the following:

“Although schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, there is help available. With support, medication, and therapy, many people with schizophrenia are able to function independently and live satisfying lives.” 


“In the past, many mental health professionals had trouble treating borderline personality disorder (BPD), so they came to the mistaken conclusion that there was little to be done. But we now know that BPD is treatable. In fact, the long-term prognosis for BPD is better than for depression and bipolar disorder. However, it requires a specialized approach. Bottom line: most people with BPD can and do get better—and they can do so fairly rapidly with the right treatments and support.”


“The symptoms can be subtle and confusing; many people with bipolar disorder are overlooked or misdiagnosed—resulting in unnecessary suffering. But with proper treatment and support, you can lead a rich and fulfilling life.”


“To be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, the symptoms must have a negative impact on you or your child’s life. In general, people who truly have ADD/ADHD have major problems in one or more areas of their life, such as their career, finances, or family responsibilities.”


“These articles can help you understand personality disorders and identify the best ways to regain control and lead a full and meaningful life.”

…differ from things we’re working on moving beyond in ways of human judgement? We, ethnocentric ass holes, believed that some people with different skin tones had a different value than those with other skin tones. Clearly that was a mistake. I guess people still seem to be a bit confused about that one. Well, okay; with the slow and steady transition into a world where being gay is not a sin, we look back and think WHAT, could people possibly have been thinking, judging someone for living a different way than a man who likes to fuck a woman who will make him a sandwich after would think? Clearly, we have made (and are making) mistakes that have had greater active consequences than we’re willing to admit. Thinking the world was flat didn’t cause wars, and hate, and mistrust, and misuse, and abuse, and death and pain that will never go away, but I bet the guy who fudged that up meant it when he said sorry.

What exactly is this fulfilling life we’re hoping everyone in the world is going to live?

Why are we so knowingly causing unnecessary suffering trying to declare whether or not someone has bi-polar disorder?

Why are we expecting that people with ADD/ADHD are looking for careers and families? Or to be good with finances for that matter. Especially when we’re talking about diagnosing children in many of these cases.

I can’t help but assume that the perpetuation of these thoughts will harm others in their journey to “overcome their mental illness” so that they can live fulfilling, finacially sound, family lives with their white parents and their heteronormative base values, and steady careers.

Like, maybe it will?

Is it possible that we’ve created a way of thinking that seriously harms other people? Other groups of people that have a DIFFERENT WAY OF THINKING than “normal”? That sounds a bit like something a sociopath would do! Maybe we’re all sociopaths. Let’s look it up so we can find out how poorly we’re doing as a mentally ill human race.

Stop perpetuating fear, and hate, and self-doubt. Stop judging other people’s way of living.

We’re all doing our best, live your life the way you want to, and the rest of the world will live the way they want to. I hope my belief that humans are inherently good will stand true enough that when we can stop poking our noses into other people’s business we’ll be able to live in peace and harmony.

Tut, tut children. Play nice.