Starting a Blog

Hello… mom and dad… some close friends,

I’m starting a blog.

I’m not entirely sure how one goes about this, I’m a first-timer. I believe that if I just start I’ll get the hang of it though, and I’ll be writing about interesting things in no time!


First, I’d like to tell you about what I’ve been doing this morning: first I had a bath, then I had breakfast – no just kidding. I promise I’ll be more interesting than that.

I’ve been researching how storytelling affects your brain. I was in an applied studies course last semester which meant I was to go to various elementary school and tell little ones folk tales that I memorized and even made my own, with awesome actions and silly songs. This was meant to give these kids an experience with oral storytelling, and honestly – just to give them half an hour to get out of regular class work. It was amazing fun! Now, as I have chosen to use this applied study as a science GLER (general learning education requirement), I’m writing an essay on how storytelling affects your brain.

It’s wild to realize the power behind storytelling. When you mention words like, lavender or soap the olfactory parts of your brain light up. When your story has a character throwing a ball, the part of your brain in charge of arm movement lights up. A story with a good dramatic structure increases the amount of dopamine your neurons create. You can literally allow your listener to chemically experience your story, as if it were happening to them. We get high on good stories!

This will certainly be useful information as an emerging artist.

There, my first blog post. I hope you have a warm day, with left over turkey from your cinnamon Christmas’… with heavy, sleepy eyelids… and onesies. Let the snow fall like glitter as we cozy up and think about snowboarding adventures to come, frosty-pink noses, hot chocolate, and how mentioning the smell of evergreen trees lights up all of our sweet little brains. xx